Natsu (夏 - Summer)

Jul 28, 2017 19:22
In the northern hemisphere, "natsu" (夏) has approached.

"Natsu" is a kind of seasons, and it can be translated as summer in English.

Astronomically "natsu" is defined the period between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox, but in Japan, it usually means three months -- June, July and August.

There are several theories about the etymology of "natsu," such as that is comes from "atsui" (暑い - hot) or "netsu" (熱 - heat), but the truth remains to be identified.

Needless to say, natsu (summer) is the season when people become the most active in the year for many countries.

In Japan, various events like summer festivals and fireworks festivals will be held.





No. 1 Sharu's correction
  • In the northern hemisphere, "natsu" (夏) has approached.
  • In the northern hemisphere, "natsu" (夏) has approached.
     Since you mentioned summer from June onwards, I think it's safe to say 'natsu has begun' instead of 'approached' :)
  • "Natsu" is a kind of seasons, and it can be translated as summer in English.
  • "Natsu" is a kind of season, and it can be translated as summer in English.
  • Astronomically "natsu" is defined the period between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox, but in Japan, it usually means three months -- June, July and August.
  • Astronomically, "natsu" is defined the period between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox, but in Japan, it usually means three months -- June, July and August.
  • Needless to say, natsu (summer) is the season when people become the most active in the year for many countries.
  • Needless to say, natsu (summer) is the season when people become the most active in the year for many countries.
     True, it's my fav season.
Thank you so much for correcting my post again!